Thursday Social Karaoke Spring League

Location: ShowPony@ The Jackalope South Shore


League Start: Thursday, April 24th, 2025
Season: 6 weeks league
-1st Week: Do your favorite song
-2-5th Week: Themes
-6th Week: Playoffs (spin the wheel, pick a category)
Season Ends: May 22nd, 2025 (Playoffs)
Time Range: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM (Game time varies weekly)
Max Teams: Only 6 Teams (Space Limited!)

Additional Details:

Early bird deadline:  Sunday, April 13th
Deadline: Sunday, April 20th

Location: ShowPony@ The Jackalope South Shore
1523 Tinnin Ford Road, Austin, TX 78741

Early Bird Pricing (Free Agent): $60
Early Bird Pricing (team of 3): $175 ($58.33/person)
Early Bird Pricing (team of 4): $200 ($50.00/person)
Early Bird Pricing (team of 5): $225 ($45.00/person)
Early Bird Pricing (team of 6): $250 ($41.67/person)

Regular Pricing (individual): $68
Regular Pricing (team of 3): $200 ($66.67/person)
Regular Pricing (team of 4): $225 ($56.25/person)
Regular Pricing (team of 5): $250 ($50.00/person)
Regular Pricing (team of 6): $275 ($45.83/person)